SCR Spot Check

To ensure compliance with NOx Tier III emission standards, engines with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)/Catalyst systems must undergo yearly “SCR Spot-Checks” to assess catalyst efficiency and confirm adherence to IMO Tier III NOx Values. These checks, as per MEPC.291(71) guidelines, are mandatory for SCR systems lacking emission measuring devices. Test results must be documented in onboard NOx Technical Files.

Marine Emission Technology – ME-Tech offer shipowners our support with SCR Spot Check equipment, where we can board your vessel in most ports, with short notice, to perform your needed yearly SCR Spot Check. We will finalize report for the Technical File onboard, Port inspection and Classification Society.

Our equipment is of highest quality and follow the NTC2008 procedures for accurate results for evaluation of the Catalyst.

Extract from Annex 13, MEPC.291(71):

3.2 Technical File and on-board NOX verification procedures Where a feed forward reductant control strategy is adopted without a NOX measurement device, the application is to provide the details of:

  • The expected deterioration curve under expected operating conditions or the life of catalyst under expected operating conditions;
  • Factors which can influence catalyst NOX reduction efficiency; and
  • Guidance on how to assess catalyst NOX reduction efficiency based on periodical spot checks or monitoring as specified by the applicant, if applicable; records are to be kept for inspection during annual, intermediate and renewal surveys. The frequency of periodical spot checks is to be defined by the applicant considering the expected deterioration of the catalyst. The frequency for spot-checks should be at least after installation and once every 12 months.